Registration - Spätzle-Hop 2025
General information
- If the page remains white after selecting the classes, please just scroll up! Unfortunately, there is currently no other way to solve the problem.
- When registering, please make sure not to book classes that are taking place at the same time.
- For the "Aerials" class you need a permanent dance partner, who must be named when registering.
- If you want to register as a couple you need to do two seperate registrations and let us know the name of your partner. We recommend to do both registrations directly after each other, as we will confirm couple registrations only after both partners have registered. Otherwise you will be on the waiting list until your partner has registered, which can mean that you will not get a spot, if we are sold out before your partner is registered.
- If your prefered role or class is not available anymore, we will have a waiting list.
- After the registration you will receive a confirmation of your bookings with payment information or the info that you are on the waiting list.
- Registration is only possible if all questions in the registration form are answered.